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Five Reasons Why You Should Network

Here at the Internet Business School, we’re committed to making sure small businesses have the best start possible. That’s why we make sure to inform you on the best methods to make the most of the entrepreneur life and ensure personal success. Just because you’ve created a business by yourself, doesn’t mean you have to keep everything to yourself. This is why you should be networking.

1) Going it Alone Doesn’t Have To Be Lonely.

While you can’t measure this benefit in financial profit, do not overlook the benefits of having people by your side when you run your own business.  Having friends in the business means there will always be someone to have your back. Saving you from the loneliness of just having your computer screen for company, friends in the industry provide you with motivation or simply someone there to improve your mood. It also helps to have someone there to listen when you have ideas or when you simply want to moan. Organising a meetup or conversation each week can give you something to look forward to.

2) More People Provide More Opportunities

Arguably the most significant benefit from networking are the opportunities meeting up with others can bring. From joint venture and business partnerships to being invited to speaking and writing gigs, the best opportunities after often shared in person. People are more likely to invite people they know and trust to their events over those they don’t. Some people will even prefer to buy and sell their assets with familiar faces. This means  networking can be one of the most profitable means for your business.

3) Find Good Sources of Free Advice

Sometimes Google doesn’t have all the answers you need, or sometimes you’re not sure if the advice you find even works. Sometimes you don’t want to spend all your hard earned cast on paying consultants. Your network can be an infinitely useful for advice as long as you provide your own expertise in response. Don’t demand too much without giving in return. The better your network, the better advice you can obtain so make sure to keep networking so you can continue to find people with common goals and values to exchange advice.

4) Friends Help Out Friends

Mutual help is an essential part of networking. Here are some ways that you and your network can help each other out.

  • Promotions – By promoting each other businesses, you and your network can boost each other’s’ traffic, reputation and sales.
  • Links – Building up links boosts the strength of your SEO, putting links on each others’ pages can also help share news and information.
  • Introductions – Your connections can help you make further connections with new people they think would be good additions to your network.
  • Assistance – Sometimes you just need another pair of hands to fix a double code, give you a head up or have your back when someone attacks your business.

5) You Can Learn from the Examples Around You

Those you associate with will end up having an influence on you. If you surround yourself with the right people, then their attitudes, habits, views and associations will rub off on you and have a positive influence. Modelling yourself on successful people is often a way to improve your own performance, so if you surround yourself with good influences you should improve your own practices.

Do you have questions about networking? Visit to see our extensive range of internet marketing courses, where you’ll find everything you need for online sales success. If you have any further questions, why not contact us at We’ll be happy to hear from you.

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10 Facts You Didn’t Know About WordPress.

The Internet Business School has always provided a hub of knowledge and skill to aspiring and experienced interpreneurs alike. When we notice that our students are missing out on a key area of internet marketing, we have to step in to keep them informed.  For over a decade, WordPress has been key for new businesses to get a presence online, but so many don’t use it. What should you know about WordPress?

Searching for WordPress in Google will give you an amazing 1.6 billion results. This makes WordPress the most popular website building and customer management tool out there.

Founded in May 2003, WordPress is older than some of the most popular internet marketing and social media platforms out there, including Facebook and Twitter.

As of May 2017, there are 17 million websites powered by WordPress in existence.  Wordpress users write around 70 million news posts each month which means 542 million words are written on WordPress blogs every single day. That’s equal to the whole Harry Potter series written over five hundred times a day.

WordPress is growing fast. In 2013, there were 11.2 billion pageviews on WordPress blogs. In 2014 there were 15.8 billion. Last year (2016) WordPress blogs were accessed 22.2 billion times, showing WordPress has yet to stop expanding!

The latest edition of WordPress, WordPress 4.6 has been downloaded 3.8 million times since when it was released in the summer 2016.

WordPress keeps its users by being one of the most easily customisable CMS tools out there. WordPress offers 4,081 free themes and 46,291 free plugins, available to everyone to customise their website.

Premium WordPress themes are extremely profitable for their makers on the online theme marketplace – ThemeForest. Half of all premium WordPress themes make at least $1000 a month, whilst a quarter make $2,500. Five percent of all themes on ThemeForest make an amazing $10,000. A great business opportunity if you’re talented at building themes!

WordPress boasts a user base ranging from complete novices to expert designers and developers. Global brands also love to use WordPress. The following major brands all have WordPress-powered sites: Coca Cola, Samsung, Star Wars, Mercedes-Benz, Sony and Playstation.

Some of the most-read websites, those attracting readership of millions, make use of WordPress. These include The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Forbes magazine, Reuters and Harvard Business Review. Technology blogs such as Mashable, Bigg, Tech Crunch and IGN are also WordPress clients.

WordPress is also popular amongst celebrities hoping to promote their brand. Famous WordPress users include rapper Jay-Z, singer Sir Tom Jones, and action star Sylvester Stallone.

So why aren’t you using WordPress?  Need a leg up to get you started? The Internet Business School now runs professional WordPress course for both beginners and experienced WordPress users. Discover everything you need to know about the world’s most popular at or visit our course pages for Beginners, or Advanced users by clicking on the option relevant to you.

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The Five Best Practices for Successful Crowdfunding

Here at the Internet Business School, we’re constantly keeping an eye out for the most effective ways to get small businesses growing. That’s why we produce our range of great internet marketing courses, the latest of which is a guide to an increasingly popular way of starting up a business – Crowdfunding.  Crowdfunding, raising money for a project from online backers, is a way of funding built on communication and trust between business and customers. While crowdfunding can lead to great success, online backers are wary of scams and false promises. Legitimate businesses can fail to crowdfund due to gaining a bad reputation, often due to lack of trust-building communication. Here are the five best practices to making sure your crowdfunding projects are successful.

Do Your Research
Your crowdfunding campaign won’t get anywhere if you don’t understand your target audience and community you see your idea or product fitting into. Before you even start your crowdfunding campaign, you need to stop and visualise where your product or service will fit and what its audience will be. Imagine your intended audience, their interests, look at the sort of campaigns they already follow and what social media they use, then use all this information to advertise your own ideas.

Communication is Key.

Don’t assume that because you put your product out there that people are naturally going to find it. Even before you’ve completed your product you need to work out the demand for it and start communicating with your audience. Communication with your audience must be consistent and it’s important to remain on top of it throughout your campaign. Every channel possible should be used, be it email, social media or a website. Online crowdfunding platforms often have news feeds and comment sections, these too should be used to approach your audience and answer any queries they may have. Backers will only feel confidence in you if you maintain a good relationship with them and that requires quick, easy and up to date communication.

Be Transparent with your Business

Throughout your campaign and your crowdfunding platform, all the main parts of your business and product should be very clearly explained. This builds up trust and if you omit any of the details this will raise questions about whether they wish to invest in your product. The quality of your website and advertising also factors into whether people trust you. They don’t have to be completely perfect, but customers trust companies that look like they have spent time and effort on their advertising materials. If you’re hesitant to show your website or advertisement to someone, this is a good indication that you need to put more time into it.

Market from All Angles.

It goes without saying that you need all the attention you can get to raise funds. This means you’ll need to take a mixed approach to marketing with both digital and physical promotion. In addition to websites, videos and other internet based approaches, you should seek more traditional ways of advertising. Show up and gather attention at conventions, interest-group get-together and even at competitors’ events to approach your audience directly. You can also collaborate with other people and their campaigns. Such collaborations could involve including another company’s information or pictures in a campaign update whilst they do the same. Make sure these other companies are credible otherwise your business will look untrustworthy for partnering with them.

Maintain Your Reputation.

Even after you’ve launched a product or service off the back of crowdfunding, it’s important to keep up public relations. Having a good start is key but so is continuing the successes of your business. Keep up with your communication with a steady flow of updates so backers continue to trust you to deliver what you’ve promised. As soon as you’ve made progress with a product or service, be it sourcing components, making a partnership or having a trial run, update your backers on this fact. This transparency maintains your reputation and gives customers confidence in your business.

Want to find out how you can make the most of crowdfunding? Discover everything you need to know to fund your projects with our online Crowdfunding Masterclass. Visit the course page to find out more.

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Four Things Online Business Owners Must Know to Survive

The world of online marketing can be a vast and confusing place for small businesses. That’s why here at the Internet Business School, we’re constantly producing a great range of internet marketing courses, just like our Internet Marketing Profits course. Yet we feel there are some core truths that online business owners need to know before they even take one of our great courses. Here are four things online business owners must know to succeed.

1) The Learning Process Never Ends

The internet is fast and ever changing, meaning the methods you used to advertise last month may not still be relevant to your audience today. Especially when it comes to social media. trends, fads and crazes do not remain stationary for very long. If you’re trying to use popular internet trends and memes to engage your audience, it’s important to know what is is currently being shared or risk seeming dated. Promoting your business online requires you to stay up to date. Learning how to identify key internet trends as and when they happen is key to the most effective internet marketing.

2) Educate, Persuade and Take Action

We are surrounded by advertising every day. So much so that we often ignore or disregard most of the marketing we see. That’s why your advertising has to be a cut above the rest. It has to serve a purpose, in addition to be an ad, that makes sure people take in and remember your brand. Memorable advertising does three essential things: educate, persuade and prompt its audience to take action:

  • Educate – People will remember your brand if you teach them something new.
  • Persuade – The most persuasive advertising is the most memorable. Research what appeals most to your target audience and use that in your marketing.
  • Take Action – Always include an appeal for action in your advertising. This doesn’t have to be to go buy something. This action could be to share an ad on social media, which in turn is a free ad your audience has made for you.

3) Always be Responsive

After determining what to post on social media and when you should be posting it, you can’t just fill your platforms with content without interaction. Social media is primarily about conversation, whether it’s talking to your friends and relatives, or leaving reviews for a shop or restaurant. Your social media is the face of your business, much like the shopfront of a physical store. Customers expect answers when they ask you questions about your products and services and they expect them fast.  This also goes for having contact details on your website. If you’ve given your customers a means of contacting you, you should always respond promptly when they do.

4) Your Brand is an Experience

Once a customer is engaged with a brand they will return to spend more and more on it. Look at the labels you often see on people’s clothing, cars or footwear. We come to associate a certain level of quality just from seeing a logo on a product and the same goes for the branding of your business. From consistent colours, fonts and imagery in your branding, to posting at certain times of day, to having sales on set days of the week, create a recognisable package that is your business. Consistency in how you promote and sell gives an image of reliability that your customers will return to. If they know there will be a new offer on Monday they will associate your business with Mondays. Foster a great reputation for your business and people will come back to experience it again and again.

Are you thinking of starting a business, but don’t know where to begin? Perhaps you’ve already got some ideas but you need the marketing tips and tricks to get your products selling? The Internet Business School is there to support you through every stage of creating an online business. From the first ideas to reaching an ever-expanding online audience. That’s why we’ve created our Internet Marketing Profits course – a step by step guide that takes you through every stage of creating owning an online business in simple monthly modules. Best of all, the first month’s content is absolutely free!

Visit our website to find out more about this amazing opportunity!

What’s more, we’re offering Internet Marketing Profits students, an exclusive deal on the Internet Business School’s best courses. You can access our four top courses,  worth £3980, for only £365. That’s a 90% discount on all the best money making techniques you could be using right now to make a fortune! To find out more, visit our course page. This offer won’t be around forever!

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Five Ways to Easily Study At Home

As a provider of top-quality internet marketing courses, here at the Internet Business School we all understand that it takes a lot of hard work and motivation to study at home. It’s easy to get distracted by the internet or television when you really ought to be buckling down and going through your notes. That’s why we’ve produced our top five ways of making studying at home just a bit easier.

Approach your studies with a positive attitude.

The motivation to keep learning is at its strongest when you don’t view learning as a chore. When you look at your studies as a necessary task or a daily grind, not only does your motivation suffer but also your ability to concentrate when you do study. If you are in the mindset of this being an unpleasant task, your mind will look for anything else it could be doing, leading to procrastination. Try approaching your studies with a positive attitude. Remind yourself of what you have achieved so far and what this study will help you to achieve in the future. Don’t compare yourself with others and avoid self-deprecating thoughts like “this is too much for me” or “I can’t do this”. These will only demotivate you. Having a positive attitude is key to getting positive results.

Create your own learning materials.

You are the one who knows how you learn best. By creating your own study materials using the information you’ve been provided, you can create a learning experience that best suits your preferred style. This could be anything from posters, diagrams, flashcards and other visual mediums, to playing music whilst your study so you always associate certain facts with certain songs. If you don’t know what learning style suits you best, try out a number of different ways and see what helps you remember the most.

Personalise your study space

Make your study space a place you want to be in. If you’re excited to be in the space in which you learn, then learning itself becomes that bit more exciting.  This could involve anything from devoting a room in your house for studying and decorating it how your wish. Or it could involve buying yourself some stationary you really like that you will only use for studying. Make studying more exciting by making the environment a place you want to come back to again and again.

Have a change of scenery.

You don’t however have to stay in the same place for every hour of study. If you find yourself getting bored of your current setup, why not try a change of scene? There are many quiet places you can go to study in outside your own home. Libraries often have desks for you to work at, and more teaching materials if you need them. Coffee shops have the advantage of having freshly made food and drink you can have whilst studying, making the experience once again that bit more exciting. If you don’t want to travel, you can always switch rooms or go out into the garden. Sometimes just turning your desk around or getting a different chair can make all the difference if you need to refresh your surroundings and concentrate.

Reward Yourself.

Studying alone may seem like a long and thankless task sometimes. Yet it doesn’t have to be. Set yourself goals, be they reaching a certain point in the course materials, or spending a certain amount of time learning, and then reward yourself when you get there. The rewards are up to you but should scale depending on the achievement. If you finish a topic, perhaps reward yourself with a dessert, if you finish a book, perhaps go to the pub with your friends for a congratulatory drink.

Want to study but don’t know where to start? The Internet Business School offers a range of professional internet marketing courses that will teach you everything from how to use social media to how to set up your own online business from scratch! Visit us at to find out more!

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Outsourcing – Run your Business the Easy Way!

The Internet Business School is here to make your online business as easy and stress-free as possible. We understand that starting out on a new venture, and the amount of work that takes, can be daunting. From making a product, to designing website, to churning out content for social media, running an online business involves a lot of content creation. Naturally a lot of content creation takes a lot of time. However, that does not have to be your time.  Today we’re here to recommend a great method for growing your business whilst saving you tons of time and money – outsourcing!

Over the years we’ve hired some expert freelancers to produce our content, resulting in the great successes we’ve had today. We believe in the power of outsourcing so much that we’ve created a Business Outsourcing Mastery course to help others follow in our footsteps and achieve huge successes like ours. But first, you might be wondering why we think outsourcing is so great. Well here’s why:

You can make time for what you want to do.

Finding the time to create content amidst the daily running of your business may prove a challenge. By outsourcing your content creation, website design or accountancy, you leave plenty of time to focus on the parts of your business that matter most to you. Managing your outsourcers takes significantly less time than completing the work yourself, leaving you plenty of time to spend outside work too with your family and friends!

You can save a lot of money.

Whilst time is often said to be money, there are other ways that outsourcing your content creation can save you money. When you outsource you can often ‘shop’ through a range of outsourcers and determine how to get the most skill for your money. Instead of hiring new staff, which is often a long stressful and expensive process, you can just hire outsourcers on a job per job basis. You only pay for services when you need them and not a monthly wage!

You can get a higher quality of work

Let’s face it, not everyone is an expert website designer, or content writer. Whilst you could do it yourself, it would take a lot of time and wouldn’t be as good as getting a professional to do it. It Perhaps you’d need to learn a few more skills to create what you’re after, and that too would take time and money. When you outsource you can specify details to make sure your outsourcer produces exactly what you need, meaning you have the perfect content tailored to your target audience.

No Need for Business Premises

The joy of outsourcing content and copy is that you can work from the comfort of your own home and so can your outsourcer. When you hire someone conventionally to do work for you, you’re legally required to have a business premises, which brings with it a whole host of costs from rent to bills to tea and coffee. With outsourcing, there’s no need for any of these additional costs, making content production, in comparison, simpler and stress-free. Work from home and enjoy the comfort of the stress-free environment whilst someone else takes over your workload – sounds perfect!

In the current age of fast content and demanding social media, business are struggling to grow and find success without the use of outsourcers. Though outsourcing has been around for years, so many businesses are missing out because they simply don’t know how to find the right people to outsource to. Well, here at the Internet Business School, we’re always one step ahead of the curve. We’ve produced our Business Outsourcing Mastery course to do just that – help entrepreneurs and small businesses find the best outsourcers.

Our one day will course will teach you everything you need to know about using freelancers and outsourcers to build a successful and profitable business. All whilst freeing up your own time to use as you wish! You’ll be amazed how much time you can save with outsourcing!

Don’t waste any more precious time! Visit our website to find out more!

If you can’t make our dates, there’s no need to worry. You can preorder a recording of the event to learn from when it suits you!  We’re also offering an amazing £50 off this course with the code OUTSOURCE50. Don’t miss out!

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Six Ways to Take Control of Your Finances if You’re Self-Employed

Here at the Internet Business School, we know how important it is for new businesses to have their accounts in order. That’s why we’ve created our Fast and Easy Accountancy ONE DAY COURSE to help the self-employed master the sometimes-confusing world of finance and accounts. But what should you be considering before you even start crunching the numbers? Here are six ways you should be taking control of your finances.

1. Don’t underestimate your expenses.

When sitting down to work out how much running your own business will cost, make sure to think over everything you might end out paying out for. These don’t just include the cost of the computer you’re working at or the software you need. If you’re spending more time at home during the day, you need to take into account that you’ll be using more of your own utilities, such as water, electricity and gas. You may be spending more time working so have less time for childcare or laundry, which adds expenses like babysitters or dry-cleaning. Make sure to take these into account when budgeting for your business.

2. Manage your income

Your income may vary as your business grows often on a monthly basis. Make sure you work out your average monthly income and how much you can afford to spend. That way, when you have a more profitably month, you can put the extra amount into a savings fund to help deal with times a little more lean.

3. Keep accurate records.

Don’t lose valuable profits and connections due to having a disorganised desk. Complete all your paperwork on time and keep it filed away in an organised system. Send invoices and bills as promptly as possible to minimise the amount of time it’ll take you to get paid. Keep copies of all your receipt so you’ve got them on hand when you work out your tax. Also, after networking, make sure to keep all the business cards and contact information you receive. You never know when you might need to reach somebody!

4. Avoid credit cards!

Borrowing from a credit card can quickly end up as a slippery slope to financial trouble. If you need money to launch your business, many banks offer small business loans you can take that won’t leave you in dire straits. If you must use a credit card for business expenses, open an account specifically for that purpose and don’t use it for anything else!

5. Keep tabs on your taxes

Make sure to research all the taxes that could be placed on you and your business and at what threshold you will have to start paying them. Ignorance isn’t an excuse not to pay your taxes and you could end up in serious legal trouble if you don’t keep up with your payments!

6. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

There are many online resources that help the self-employed find their feet in the business world, especially when it comes to necessary, and sometimes very complicated, legal and financial matters. 

Here at the Internet Business School we get asked often about how to set up as a self-employed person – and how to manage your accounts once the money comes rolling on.

So if you think you’re missing a certain skill or haven’t got the know-how to expand a certain area of your business, this is for you!

We created a ONE DAY Fast and Easy Accountancy COURSE to help you understand the secret language of accountancy so you don’t get taken for a ride by the jargon and buy services you don’t need.

AND: ADD COUPON CODE ‘FAST50’ at checkout to get £50 off.

In one day you will learn everything you need to know about managing the accounts for your business. From all the lingo surrounding finance to matching your business up against your competitors, you’ll learn everything you need to know about accounting and finance fast. 

You’ll be receiving coaching by one of the leading experts in the business solutions industry.  Our expert tutor Abdullah has helped over 70,000 individuals and businesses since he launched his own company in 1989. 

An expert on everything accounting from start-up support through to business development and growth, he’s partnered up with the Internet Business School to help you get the results you need for your business.

Take Control Of Your Accounts & Financial Future Now.

Get The Training & Tools To Make Your HMRC Tax Return Quicker & Cheaper.

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Everything You Need to Start An Online Business

Here at the Internet Business School, we’re always looking for new ways to assist inspired entrepreneurs to start an online business. That’s why we create courses and tutorials to make every stage of creating an online business as easy as possible. We’ve helped hundreds of entrepreneurs discover there is nothing like the freedom of owning your own business. Running an online business gives you the freedom and flexibility to work when and where you want to, allowing you to make money around your personal lifestyle. Once you setup your online payment systems you can make money even whilst you sleep. So what do you need to start up a business? Well let’s start with the basics.

It goes without saying that you need a product. Once that product is selected, you should create a framework around it from which to structure your business. This includes registering the right URL for your business’ website. 

To create content for your website, you’ll need to research what keywords and phrases will be best for advertising your product. This can be done through simply brainstorming what you think people will search for when they want your product. 

Or you could use Google Adwords to see the most popular searches related to what you want to sell.  

You’ll need to install WordPress to create your website and decide how you’re going to host it. Without a fully functioning website, you’re not going to get anywhere online!

On WordPress you’ll need to select a theme and install all the plugins you’ll need for all the functionality on your website. From SEO plugins to get your site higher up on relevant Google search rankings, to linking your website to any social media you create for your business, you need to set your site up with everything your business needs. You’ll need to create the all important sales page and payment gateway to start selling. A contact form to capture customer details is essential. Make sure to test all the site’s functionality.

Social media is essential for promoting businesses in this fast digital age. If you want your customers to see your business, it needs to be on social media. Create your business a Facebook page, Twitter account, even perhaps a Youtube and Instagram account so you can get creative with your advertising. Millions of people use social media every day. Promoting your business on social media enables you to reach this vast and ever-growing audience.

Once you’ve set everything up, you need your business to grow for increasing successes. Attract new customers and keep your existing customers returning by offering free downloads and following up purchases with emails. Using opt-in forms will help you capture customer information which you can then use to increase your sales further. After collecting enough customer data you can monetise it, sending out sales emails, producing sales funnels and bringing back customers again and again.

Does this seem like a lot of work? Worried that you might be overwhelmed? There’s no need to worry! You can complete all this in one day with our Rapid Implementation  Workshops. Also called “Go Live in a Day” you can arrive at this workshop and leave with a fully assembled business. 

Our expert coaches will guide you from start to finish, making this the easiest way to start your own business. This is an opportunity you’ll rarely find anywhere else. Most entrepreneurs have to go it alone, learning on the job and perhaps wasting precious time and money doing so. However you can start a cut above the rest with this workshop. To find out more visit or go straight to information on the course by clicking here.

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Five Alternative Uses for Twitter

Here at the Internet Business School, we’re committed to make sure small business owners make the most of the latest internet marketing trends. With social media getting ever more influential in how people spend,we’ve made sure to create a range of courses, from how to advertise on social media to simple tutorials for everything from the basics onwards. Our Twitter tutorials have proved very popular over the last few months. However did you know there are other ways you can use Twitter other than simply tweeting your thoughts or chatting with people? Here are five alternative ways to use Twitter!

Useful Reminders

By drafting tweets you can also use Twitter as a notebook – leaving reminders for yourself for later. Twitter can also connect to many personal management or time management apps, enabling you to put reminders for yourself on Twitter, or using Twitter to put reminders on these apps. You can also have people tweet reminders at you if you need the help.

Quick News

If you want to check the latest news on the go, Twitter provides a great way to catch up on what’s going on through quick snippets of information. News broadcasters will often tweet the latest headlines, often updating with news as and when it happens. That means you can constantly be up to date with the significant events happening at the moment. Perfect for those who want to stay informed, or those particularly interested in a certain event that’s currently unfolding.

Finding a job.

When job opportunities come up, big companies will often post about their vacancies on Twitter,  linking back to their recruitment pages. Recruitment agencies, local news pages, and temporary work agencies will also often post job listings on their Twitters. By following these you’re provided a live feed of new positions as and when they come up, making Twitter very useful for everyone from those seeking a first job to someone looking for a change in career

Getting Help

Large companies, especially those involved in technology related industries, often use Twitter as a form of Customer Support. You can tweet your tech troubles to them and get fast replies and solutions to whatever problem you are facing. Twitter is also used as a great way to answer customer queries about queries about online shopping such as delivery times, prices and postage.

Looking after People’s Health

Health services make the most of Twitter to deliver important information to their patients. From advice on what to do in extreme temperatures, to alerting them dangerous conditions such as a high pollen account or risk of asthma attacks, Twitter makes for a quick and easy alert system. Doctors’ Surgeries may use Twitter to inform patients of walk-in clinics and pop-up services. Twitter is also useful for passing out surveys to improve patient experiences and give feedback to health professionals.

Need to brush up on your Twitter skills? Why not try our Twitter tutorials and learn everything you need to know about to become a Twitter expert? From the very basics to how you can use Twitter to promote your business, we cover everything you need to know. To find out about our exciting range of social media courses, visit We look forward to seeing you!

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Why Should You Outsource?

Helping entrepreneurs and small businesses make the most out of their time has always been important to the Internet Business School. From the first steps of creating a business to promoting it through the latest internet marketing trends, the Internet Business School is here to make your online business as easy and stress-free as possible Today we’re here to recommend a great method for growing your business that’s we’ve used ourself – outsourcing! Over the years we’ve hired some expert freelancers to produce our content, resulting in the great successes we’ve had today. That’s why we’ve created our outsourcing course, so you can discover the benefits for yourself. But first, why should you be outsourcing in the first place?

Save Time

Finding the time to write content for your social media, website and other platforms may be difficult whilst running your business. By outsourcing your content creation, book-keeping, accountancy, you leave plenty of time to focus on the core part of your business. Managing your outsourcers takes significantly less time than completing the work yourself, or having one of your employees take time out of their work to complete it.

Save Money

Whilst time is often said to be money, there are other ways that outsourcing your content creation can save you money. When you outsource you can often ‘shop’ through a range of outsourcers and determine how to get the most skill for your money. We’ll touch on this below, but if you need to hire skills you don’t have in your business, out-sourcing individual tasks is far cheaper than hiring new employees.

Higher Quality of Work

Let’s face it, creating an enjoyable and creative piece of writing isn’t everyone’s strong point. If you feel your text is a little dry, or you don’t have it takes to entertain a particular audience, outsourcing to someone with the skills to do so will produce better copy overall. If you’re targeting a different generation that the one you occupy, consider outsourcing to someone of that generation who really understands what people of that age want to read. They will also have more time to work on your copy, compared to you doing it yourself and having to fit it around the rest of your work. This will overall create a higher quality of copy better aimed at the people you want to sell to.

No Need for Business Premises

The joy of outsourcing content and copy is that you can work from the comfort of your own home and so can your outsourcer. When you hire someone conventionally to do work for you, you’re legally required to have a business premises, which brings with it a whole host of costs from rent to bills to tea and coffee. With outsourcing, there’s no need for any of these additional costs, making content production, in comparison, simpler and stress-free.

Before you outsource it’s important to understand the basics of what you want from your outsourcer. If you want content for you website, you need to know what sort of content, on what topics. Not only does this allow you to give your outsourcer a brief on what to produce, but it also makes sure you are tailoring your content towards what your customers want to see. When you outsource your accounts, it’s important to know the basics of accountancy, just to make sure everything is going smoothly and accurately.

This may seem complicated, but it couldn’t be easier with the right tuition.  Discover everything you need to know about managing your business’ accounts at our Fast and Easy Accountancy Course. Once you know the basics, you can outsource your accounting, making running your business a lot easier! Need to know more about outsourcing? We can help with that too. Visit for everything you need to know along with our other great courses!